Current Shipping and Production Times


Updated Daily, All times are based on current averages and does not guarantee future times -- Last updated at 07-26-24 07:55 AM

Current Preview time:

(From the time you submit an order.)

37 Hours

Current Brass/Aluminum Production time:

(Does not include Shipping time)

4 Days

Current Express Production time:

(Does not include Shipping time)

1 Days

Current Signet Ring Production time:

(Does not include Shipping time)

13 Days

Current Resin Production time:

(Does not include Shipping time)

1 Days

Typical production time for brands can range from 6-12 days, 12-21 days for rings and 4-10 days for leather stamps.

We typically send previews within 24-36 hours of submitting an ordering. We offer full refunds if you do not approve your preview images.

World Wide USPS and UPS Shipping Available - All rates calculated automatically at the checkout
UPS may charge Import Duties

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